How much does Danish Folk High School cost?

Our prices are very transparent. When the tuition is payed, you only need to bring money for doing laundry (20 kr. per wash), if you want to buy extra materials (ie. 100 DKK for 10 kg’s of clay), and pocket money for stuff like ice cream or a beer.

About buying materials: For all classes, you will get the needed materials to complete the classes. If you decide to print 500 big prints in photography, you will need to buy those, if you decide to make the world’s largest gold chain in jewellery class, you will need to buy the gold yourself.

You simply pay DKK 2050 (EUR 275) per week you are here.

In case you need a visa to enter Denmark, you will also have to pay the visa fee of EUR 270. Please remember it can take up to two months to obtain a visa to Denmark.

Price for the Spring semester 2025 (January 12 – June 114) is EUR 275 * 22 weeks = ~EUR 6050

Price for the Fall semester 2025 (August 10 – December 13) is EUR 275 * 18 weeks = ~EUR 4950

If you are a Danish citizenship you get a discount, this might seem a little unfair, but it has to do with the law only allowing us to accept one international student pr. one Danish student. So for every Danish students we can attract early with a discount, we can accept an international student from our international waiting list.

If you choose to take a second semester, you also get a discount as an international student, for the second semester you only pay EUR 245 pr. week.